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Elefante Letrado

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I access Elefante Letrado?

To enter the platform, type into your browser. Don't forget to use the Google Chrome browser.

Click the ENTER button in the upper right corner. Next, enter your username and click ENTER.

Click the I AM A TEACHER button in the upper right corner, enter your password and click ENTER.

All set! You can now access hundreds of books that include options for audio, reading, reading comprehension games, and writing prompts. You can track students' work in real-time, as well as access their performance reports.

There are more than 44,000 titles available on our platform!

2. How does the teacher dashboard work?

The dashboard is the home screen of the teacher's platform. The gray bar on the left of the screen includes tabs used to access different menu functions such as reports, books, classes, users, skills, assignments, and certificates.

You can also view recent activities and student distribution by level. The goal is for students to advance to the next level.

In the upper right corner, by clicking ENTER AS A STUDENT, you can have a student view of the platform to observe how Elefante Letrado is organized for students. Click GO BACK to return to the teacher dashboard.

3. How can I search collections and simulate activities?

By clicking the BOOKS icon, you can search for books by title, proficiency level, level, author, publisher, theme, and genre.

Helpful Hint: Avoid limiting the search by using multiple filters simultaneously. For example, if you would like to search for a book by Monteiro Lobato, click the AUTHOR option and select Monteiro Lobato, thereby preventing overlap the search with other filters (genre, publisher, etc.).

Below the search field, titles related to your search will be available.

In the column ACTION, you can explore the books and the activities.

Click the megaphone icon to listen to the audiobook.

Click the eye icon to read the work.

The blank paper icon allows you to access the book's properties, such as reading metrics, which is the minimum time required for students at different levels to finish reading the book.

The checkmark icon allows you to simulate the reading comprehension questions that were specifically developed for that book.

4. How can I create assignments?

Click the ASSIGNMENTS option.

A pink CREATE NEW TASK button will appear.


Type the name of the assignment and select the class (if you have more than one) and the students.

Now, you can select the book you would like to assign.

Select the activities that will be assigned to each student.

Slide the bar to the end of the page and click SAVE.

It is important to remember that you can assign any book on the platform, regardless of student's levels.

You can also create as many assignments as you would like.

Attention: once an assignment is created, the student's platform will be blocked, and they will only be able to complete activities related to the assignment.

Once students have completed the activities, they will be able to have access to the whole library again.

The list of assignments are always saved under the ASSIGNMENTS button.

To track the status of the activities, you can also click this button.

To delete an assignment, click the ASSIGNMENTS, scroll down, choose the assignment you would like to delete, and click the X button.

If you delete an assignment, the student's platform will be available to the students, but you will lose access to student data in relation to the assignment.

5. How can I generate performance reports and check students' responses to reading comprehension activities?

Click the REPORTS option, and then click CLASS OVERVIEW. Select the class and filter results by period. Click SEARCH.

Attention: it is always important to filter the date so that reports correspond to the desired analysis period.

You will now have access to an overview of your class: the average time students spent reading and the average number of books read during the selected period.

You will also be able to view graphs that represent these data. It is also possible to verify the class's performance across three reading comprehension skills: locating information in the text, establishing relationships between parts of the text and completing inferential processes.

You can also analyze class performance with regards to descriptors for each skill.

By clicking on STUDENT LIST at the top of the screen, you are able to narrow the search and locate specific information for each student.

Clicking PRINT to the results. Click the student's name to generate an individual performance report.

You can now analyze student's reading time and number of books read compared to the average results of the class.

You can also view the student's performance in terms of reading comprehension skills and descriptors.

In the STUDENT LOG field, you can identify books read and the audiobooks listened to during the selected time period.

You can also view questions that were answered, listen to recordings of students' reading, and verify student progress in writing activities.

Click PRINT to generate an individual report that includes evidence of the student's work.

6. How can I reclassify levels and/or change student passwords?

Click the CLASSES button to view student's information such as name, enrollment number, password, level, most recent login, and points earned.

To edit student's level or password, click the correct column, change the information and click the floppy disk icon to save the information.

7. How can I generate student certificates?

Click the CERTIFICATES button to generate reading certificates based on the number of books read as well as certificates for the time students spent reading in the platform.

For reading certificates, for example, select the class and period you wish to review. Click SEARCH.

Attention: it is always important to filter the date so that reports correspond to the desired analysis period.

A list of students, the total number of works read during the selected period and the number of books read per level will be displayed.

To generate a certificate, select the student and click the CERTIFY button. A PDF will be created.

The same system is used to generate a certificate for the time students spent reading in the platform.

8. How do Elefante's reading metrics work?

Books are provided with reading metrics referring to the minimum periods of time students must spend reading a specific book. This period varies according to the reading levels and was established through means of research and educational tests.

If the student does not read a book for the minimum required time, the book will not be considered read and the games and the reading activities will not be made available.

If this occurs, it is important to talk to your student about metrics.

If you find that a student is reading a book faster than the minimum required time, it is time to advance their level.

1. How can I access Elefante Letrado?

To enter the platform, type into your browser. Remember to use the Google Chrome browser or the IOS/Android app.

Click the ENTER button in the upper right corner. Then, type your teacher's username and click ENTER.

If your teacher has more than one class, select your class. Next, click on your avatar, type your password, and click the ENTER button.

All set! You can now read and listen to hundreds of books on Elefante Letrado. You can also play reading comprehension games, write answers, and record yourself reading.

2. I forgot my password. What should I do?

It is necessary to ask your teacher or our support team ( for help.

3. What happens to the platform when the teacher gives me an assignment?

If the teacher assigns a task, your platform will be blocked, and you will only be able to complete activities related to the assignment.

Once you have completed the activities, you will be able to have access to the whole library again. Works given as assignments will always be saved in the ASSIGNMENTS button.

4. How does Elefante Letrado's library work and how can I move to the next level?

Books are organized in levels from A to Z according to their complexity (reading levels).

All levels prior to the student's current level remain open. Subsequent levels are blocked. To move to the next level, the student needs to complete 75% of the activities (listening, reading and playing reading comprehension activities games) from the level where they are.

Example: if the student is in the letter H, they must complete 75% of this level's activities to access the letter I. Completed activities are marked green.

5. I can't edit my user profile in the library.

Your profile cannot be edited until the task assigned by the teacher is completed.

6. The library is displaying levels such as "UNI" or the books are showing some wrong words.

Disable Google Translate on your browser. Click EXTENSIONS, select Google Translate, and click DISABLE.

If the error continues, please contact our support team at

7. The library appears to be locked and there are only a few books available.

The user has likely received assignments from the teacher.

8. There are only some unlocked levels for my user profile. What may have happened?

Your school may have enabled the level window view and determined a specific number of levels for students to read.

9. How can I listen to books on Elefante Letrado?

There are icons used to access the different activities below each book.

To listen to a book, click the megaphone icon.

The book will begin to be read to you and its pages will be turned automatically.

Books are provided with bookmarks. If you leave and return to the same book, you will have the option to continue reading from where you left off or starting reading the book over again.

10. How can I read books on Elefante Letrado?

There are icons used to access the different activities below each book. To read a work, click the book icon. Use the arrows to navigate through the pages.

If you would like to zoom in on the book to increase the font size, double-click on the text.

To increase the font size again, click the text two more times.

Click the magnifying glass in the lower right corner of the screen to return to the original version of the work.

Navigate to the end of the book to read the entire work and release the book's activities.

Books are provided with reading metrics referring to the minimum periods of time students must spend reading them.

The period of time required varies according to students' level of proficiency.

If you do not read for the minimum required time, the book will not be considered read and the games and the reading activities will not be made available.

Reading comprehension games and written activities will be released once you have finished reading the book.

Books are provided with bookmarks. If you leave and return to the same book, you will have the option to continue reading from where you left off or starting reading the book over again.

11. How can I play reading comprehension games on Elefante Letrado?

There are icons used to access the different activities below each book. To play reading comprehension games, click the question mark icon. It is important to remember that this icon will only be available if you have read or listened to the book.

There are 4 types of games available:

  • Question and answer: Select the correct option.
  • Memory game: select two cards - one blue and one pink - and guess whether the pair is correct or incorrect.
  • Hopscotch: You have three chances to get a question right at each step.
  • Connect the dots: connect the blue and the pink columns.

You can play the games as many times as you would like, but only the first attempt will be made available for the teacher's report.

You can reread the books during the game to locate specific information.

To reread books, click the book's cover in the upper right corner of the screen while playing the game. To return to the game, click X.

12. How can I complete writing activities on Elefante Letrado?

There are icons used to access the different activities below each book. To complete writing activities, click the pencil icon. Select one of the 4 available activities:

  • Summarize the book.
  • Compare two characters.
  • Write a new ending to the story.
  • How did you feel reading the story?

Write your answer. You can change the background color, font, font size and color, as well as several other options.

When you are ready, click SEND TO TEACHER or PRINT. If you would like, you can go back and complete other activities. You can also repeat the same activity and resend it to the teacher.

13. How can record books using Elefante Letrado?

You can record yourself reading using Elefante Letrado. To do so, click the book to begin reading.

Click the GRAVAR icon below the book. If it is your first recording, the platform will ask you to test your microphone.

If you are able to hear your voice during the microphone test, you are ready to start recording.

To start recording, click the microphone again. To stop recording, click the PAUSE button and then the STOP button.

Click ENVIAR GRAVAÇÃO to send your recording to your teacher.

14. How can I change my avatar and background colors in Elefante Letrado?

To change your avatar, click your name in the top right corner of the screen.

Then click the MY PROFILE option.

Click CHANGE PHOTO to select an image from your computer or choose one of our avatars. Click X to exit.

You can also customize the library by choosing the menu color and checking your performance on the platform.